Practice sentence fragments

    • [DOCX File]Finding and Revising Fragments - North Allegheny School ...

      Fragments, Run-Ons, Comma-Splices Practice Exercises. Correct each of the following run-on and comma-splice sentences. Shakespeare’s plays can be grouped as comedies, tragedies, and histories, Hamlet is a tragedy. There was food left over, however, everyone had plenty to eat. Some educated people believe in witchcraft, I am not one of them.

      sentence fragments worksheets with answers

    • [DOC File]Sentence Fragment Exercises—#1 - Maite Space

      PRACTICE B, WORKSHEET 4. Finding and Revising Fragments. DIRECTIONS. Decide which of the following groups of words are sentence fragments. If the word group is a fragment, write F. Revise each fragment by (1) adding a subject, (2) adding a verb, or (3) attaching the fragment to a complete sentence. You may need to change the punctuation and ...

      correcting sentence fragments practice


      Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentence Practice. Select the sentence from each group that is a sentence fragment or a run-on sentence. 1. A. Probably two to three hours, depending on how hard the task is. B. The test seemed impossible, but I managed to make an A. C. We went shopping this past weekend. D. He wanted the blue one. 2. A.

      sentences and fragments worksheets

    • [DOCX File]PART 1 Identifying Sentences, Sentence Fragments, and Run …

      Practice Exercise #1- Decide if the sentences below are sentence fragments or complete sentences. If they are fragments, edit or add to the sentences to become complete. 1. My uncle Dan. Fragment? _____ 2. Ran down the street. Fragment? _____ 3. The cast of the musical sang.

      sentence fragment exercises with answers

    • [DOC File]Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences

      Part II: Sentence Fragments. There are several types of fragments. See pages 9-11 for detailed explanations and techniques for correcting fragments. Pages 12-13 include practice activities and . an answer key. Types of Fragments. Each example below illustrates a different type of sentence fragment.

      sentence fragments exercise 1

    • [DOC File]Run-on Sentences, Comma Splices and Fragments

      Sentence Fragment Exercises #1: The sentences below appeared in papers written by students. Act as their editor, marking a C if the sentences in the group are all complete and an F if any of the sentences in the group is a fragment. Could you tell these writers why the fragments are incomplete sentences? ____ 1. Then I attended Morris Junior High.

      grammar sentence fragments worksheet

    • [DOC File]Fragments, Run-Ons, Comma-Splices

      Lesson10Fragments and Run-Ons. Sentence fragments and run-on sentences are writing errors that can make your writing difficult to understand. A . sentence. fragment. is part of a sentence that is written as if it were a complete sentence. A sentence fragment is missing a subject, a predicate, or both. Fragments. The Maya, a Native American people.

      sentence fragment practice pdf

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