Food poisoning vs stomach flu

    • [DOCX File]Bacterial and viral infections can both cause symptoms such as

      Stomach cramps. Nausea. Vomiting. Diarrhea. Chest tightness. Wheezing. Cough. ... common cold Nausea food poisoning, flu, too much whiskey Stomach cramps/pain food poisoning, flu Diarrhea food poisoning, flu Vomiting food poisoning, flu Skin redness other skin disease (psoriasis) White patches on skin other skin disease (psoriasis) Skin scaling ...

      stomach flu symptoms

    • [DOC File]TindallLand

      a cold food poisoning flu 2. Now use the structures in the grey box and the words and phrases in the white boxes. Student A: You are ill. Telephone your teacher/boss. Say what the problem is. Student B: You are the teacher/boss. Give advice. 3

      food poisoning or flu


      *Food poisoning – 1-8 hr onset, vomiting, preformed toxin *Tox shock syndrome- fever, vomiting, diarrhea, diffuse erythematous rash Gm + cocci in grapes/clusters. Catalase + coagulase + Ubiquitous in environment; normal flora of skin/nose. Spread through lesions, fomites Enterotoxin - vomiting, diarrhea, heat resistant, (actually released in ...

      best foods to eat after stomach bug

    • [DOCX File]Population Growth

      Consuming food products and fluid which have been contaminated by contact with an infecting organism is another case of disease transmission by indirect contact. A common method of transmission in under developed countries is faecal oral transmission. In such cases, sewage water is used to wash food or is consumed. This results in food poisoning.

      current stomach flu going around

    • [DOC File]Fairhurst a la chart

      Food and Waterborne Diseases. Structure and Function of the Digestive System. The digestive system can be divided into two principal groups of organs: The Gastrointestinal Tract (GI Tract) – this consists of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The purpose of this part is to digest food, allowing food ...

      stomach bug

    • Food Poisoning vs. Stomach Bug (Flu) Symptoms, Contagious, Trea…

      The Student Handout does not mention that diarrhea and/or vomiting can be due to causes other than salmonellosis, including other types of food poisoning (due to other types of bacteria or toxins produced by bacteria) or viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu). Stomach flu can be transmitted via contact with someone who is infected, sharing eating ...

      diet after food poisoning or stomach flu

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